Christmas in My New Library

Hello dear readers, 
today I have something very special to share with you. You might remember that I mentioned last year how excited I was to have my new library to decorate for next Christmas. And if you've been following me in 2019 you know that we've been working on building the library since summer to the very last minute. At first, we were pretty confident that we were gonna be done before Christmas but there were so many challenges and details that almost made it impossible for us. Neverthless, we tried our best and we were rewarded for all our efforts. We've finished my home library a week before Chritsmas. So I've been working extra hard this past week to furnish the room, move all the books there and decorate it for my family and I to spend the holidays in it. And today, I'm here to share with you the result. Now, mind you, it's not a complete tour of my library. There's still a couple of things that I want to do before I show you every single corner of the room and talk you through the process of making it. I just wanted to stop by and share with you how my first Christmas spent in my new library looked like.

When decorating, I treated the library just like a living room. I've never had my own living room, so it felt immensely luxurious to me to have so much space to work with. Truly, I had an absolute blast. I knew from the start that I was going to have my own Christmas tree in here. I mean, how could I resist. Our family Christmas tree is put in our dining room every year, but there really isn't space for bigger tree than 150cm. We actually have very high ceilings in our home, but the higher the tree the bigger is the diametr of it. In my library, though, I have a very big space next to the window that was just calling for a majestic tree. And so I decided to go overboard and bought a tree 250cm high. It was like a dream come true. When it comes to Christmas decorating, I love the traditional colour combination of red and gold, but because the bookshelves in this room are filled with such colourful books, I decided for more subtle colour scheme in here. I chose a flocked tree to make it even more serene and decorated it with various hues of gold, silver and white. I then also added some brown ornaments for the pop of colour and even some green ones to tie the tree with the colour of my walls. It might seem like a lot of colours to begin with but I feel like the tree looked very natural and classy in the end.

I am so incredibly thankful for everything that this year has brought to me and my family. I feel so blessed for my life and the people I am surrouded by. I want to thank especially my parents for being such amazing people that inspire me every day to be better and for everything that they do for me. I never take any of it for granted. And I want to thank you, my dear readers, for your support throughout the years. I really appreciate you. I hope you all will have a wonderful Christmas and an absolutely amazing new year...


  1. Wow, to je nádherná knihovna! ♥ Já asi nemám víc slov, ale strašně moc bych si taky takovou knihovnu jednoho dne přála. ♥

    1. Děkuju moc, Vlasti. Ani nevíš, jalou mi tvůj komenář udělal radost. Celou knihovnu vyráběl můj tatínek a já jsem ji pak celou natřela, taky jsme ji spolu navrhovali, takže jsme na ni patřičně pyšní. Jsem moc ráda, že se ti líbí. Přání mají tendenci se plnit, takže věřím, že i ty budeš mít jednou knihovnu podle svých představ... :-)

  2. Ta je Boží, naprosto. A pokud jste ji dělali společně, to je prostě sen a o to víc si toho pak člověk váží a je z výsledku nadšený :) Nádhera. Mít knihovnu jako pokoj je sen asi každého knihomola. Je to prostě skvost :)

    1. Děkuju mockrát, Kristy, za tak krásný komentář. Udělal mi velkou radost. Opravdu to je splněný sen. A tak mě moc těší, že se ti naše práce líbí... :-) Měj se krásně a ještě jednou děkuji.

  3. It's beautiful. I like the greens accent with the whites. I would put a large couch against the wall but that's just me. And the Christmas decorations are gorgeous. I would definitely spend a lot of time in a library like this.

    Have a lovely holiday.

    1. Thank you so much, dear Lissa. I'm so glad you like it. I will definitely put a large sofa in the room, don't you worry. Everything was just very last minute and I didn't have time to do that yet. I am also still waiting for some other furniture to arrive, so that's why I'll do an official tour later on when all the loose ends are tied up... :-)

      Have a wonderful time...


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