Five Things

A perfume I got for my birthday from my Grandmother...

Are you surprised as much as I am to see another "Five Things" post on my blog after such a long time? I didn't think I would ever come back to this weekly post, but lately, I've been thinking about my having fallen out of the habbit of taking pictures. I still love it, but for some reason, I don't do it as much as I used to. And I would like to change that. So I thought what better way to do it than bring Five Things back to life. I remember that this post always challenged me to bring my camera with me everywhere and look for the little things that surrounded my environment. And that's exactly what I need right now in order to photograph more. So I hope you're not bored with this concept and that you'll enjoy seeing five random pics here every week...

Enjoy your weekend!

The other week, I decorated some boughs for the celebration of spring and Easter. And this week they bloomed, which makes me tremendously happy every time I pass by them on our porch...

Hydrangea wreath on our dining room door is reminding me every day that it's spring, even though the weather is still very erratic...

There's something incredibly beautiful about white flowers...

At last, I've got my hands on the fifth book in the The Tiger Saga by Colleen Houck. Ah, I've been waiting for this so long. I've started the series more than six years ago, and I can't belive that I am on the edge of knowing the end. I am equally as excited as I am dreading it...


  1. I really love your photos! These posts are always lovely and relaxing.

    1. Thank you so much, I am really glad to hear that... :-)

  2. Taky mám občas taková období, kdy moc nefotím, a pak je mi to zpětně líto. Třeba letos v zimě jsem foťák vytáhla snad jen jednou, takže zasněžené fotky nemám téměř žádné. Ale na jaře se mi povedlo fotit dost - a věřím, že i v dubnu to půjde. :)
    Přeji krásné jaro. ^^

    1. Tak to je skvělé, že jsi měla úspěšný začátek jara. Věřím, že teď už foťák z ruky nepustíš, jak bude venku přibývat květin a s nimi inspirace. Užij si tohle krásné období co nejlépe... :-)


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