Jane Austen Book TAG

1) Sense & Sensibility - a book with a dynamic sibling relationship
I absolutely love the dynamics between the Baudelaire's siblings in The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. I appreciate their togetherness and the sympathy they have for each other. They are definitelly one of my favourite families in literature...

2) Pride & Prejudice - a book that at first did not seem interesting but after reading it you found it very much enjoyable
I have to say that I really didn't expect to enjoy The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey, but I gave it a try and that book has instantly become one of my all time favourite books. I can see that it's not a book for everyone, so I don't recommend it often to people. But I wish everybody read it. It's such a powerful and inspiring story about the reconciliation of a man with nature. And beside the message and imaginative plot the style in which the book is written is mesmerizingly beautiful...

3) Emma - a book in which two close friends fall in love
This is one of my favourite plot traits. Unfortunately, I don't find it in books that often. I have one recommendation for you, though. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins is a really sweet book.  And I think the "friends to love" relationship is done very nicely in this story...

4) Mansfield Park - a book with a “rags to riches” story plot
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is the first one that comes to mind. It tells a story about Pip whose life is turned upside down when some mystery person becomes his maecenas. Even though A Christmas Carol is my favourite book of Dickens', I think Great Expectations is one of his most spectacular novels which is worth a re-read just like all of Jane Austen's books are...

5) Persuasion - a book involving second chances
In The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery the main character is given a second chance. I can't say anything else, for I don't want to spoil it for you. But, please, do yourself a favor and read this book. It's such a dear story full of hope and true values of life. Also, the humor of the main character is just brilliant...

6) Northanger Abbey - a book with an almost overly imaginative character
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. Anne is definitely the most imaginative character I ever met in a book. And I love it about her. She's a kindred spirit, for sure...


  1. I am so glad to see a new article! I've been missing you. This is great tag, maybe I'll try it too. Snow child really is a wonderful book!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice words. I really appreciate that you haven't forgotten about my blog even though I haven't been posting much lately... :-)

  2. Keď som ráno objavila tvoj nový článok, hneď som mala lepší a krajší deň. Posledné dni som sa pozerala jedným očkom, či si náhodou nepridala od mája niečo nové a dnes som sa konečne dočkala. Teší ma čítať opät pár tvojich riadkov. Držím ti palce v písaní aj naďalej :)!
    The Blue Castel je úžasná knižka. Čítala som ju začiatkom roka a v spomienkach sa k nej rada vraciam. Je to niečo celkom iné, než Anna, no príbeh som si naozaj užila a už teraz vidím, že budem v lete knihu odporúčať ďalej aj mamine, ktorá ma zas priviedla v detstve na Annu. Zaujímavý TAG a výber knižiek. Maj sa krásne :)!

    1. Děkuji moc za krásný komentář, milá Kristy. Jsem moc ráda, že se na můj blog stále vracíš. Vždycky když publikuji nový příspěvek, vzpomenu si na tebe. :-) Tak ještě jednou děkuju a měj se moc krásně...

  3. #1 - I like the baudelaire siblings - they know each other well and they work well together, I think they're the only sibling that just gets along too well, at least compare to the books I read.

    #2- I read 'the snow child' and I did like it but I have to say, I really don't like the ending. it's too realistic, I just find the rest of the book is so fairytale-like that such ending is just kind of ruin the book for me but I guess you're right, it's not a book for everyone.

    #5 - I love 'the blue castle', there is a favorite line "You see - I've never had any real life," she said. "I've just - breathed."

    #6 - yes, anne, definitely a very imaginative character, she's a true dreamer.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for your comment, dear Lissa. I love that you always have something to say about the books I mention in my posts. It's like having a real literary conversation every time. I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for your contribution. Take care and have a lovely day... :-)

  4. Myslím, že kdybych se chtěla do tohohle tagu zapojit, musela bych mít přečteno víc než Pýchu a předsudek. :D

    1. Já myslím, že nemusela. Na otázky můžeš odpovědět tak či tak. Ráda si je na tvém blogu přečtu... :-)

  5. Anonymous28/6/18 15:14

    Tvůj blog znám už poměrně dlouho, a teď když občas nakouknu na tvůj blog, tak mě vždycky potěší, když vidím nový článek.
    Jsem ráda, že je v něm zmíněna Anna ze zeleného domu, je to knížka, kterou jsem si přečetla právě díky tvé recenzi a nyní je to jedna z mých nejoblíbenějších!
    Stejně tak třeba Malé ženy, to jsou prostě knížky, které mě neskutečně zahřejí u srdce a u kterých cítím smutek, když končí.
    A teď jsem díky tomuto článku objevila i "The Blue Castle" (Osudný omyl), tak to si jistě musím sehnat a přečíst! :)


    1. Milá Dio, děkuju ti mockrát za tvůj komentář. Ani nevíš, jak mě těší slyšet, že sis přečetla Annu na základě mé recenze. To je pro mě ta největší pochvala. A mám velkou radost, že se ti kniha líbila. Malé ženy si také plánuji na podzim znovu přečíst. Pokud se ti líbily tyto dvě knihy. Věřím, že The Blue Castle budeš zbožňovat... :-)

      Měj se moc krásně.

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