Recommending Two Books by Kasie West

Hello dear readers,
have you tought that I was not going back? Because I haven't been sure myself, to be perfectly honest. I've been kind of struggling with the idea of leaving this blog for more than a year, but I can't seem to be able to abandon it altogether. So I am just leaving the matter open for now. I certainly have many things to write about, it's just the determination to actually sit down and work on them that I am sometimes lacking. Anyway, I decided to ease my way back to blogging after almost two month break by writing about two books by Kasie West, which I have devoured recently. I actually listened to the audio versions when I was lying sick and too tired to read for myself, but bought physical copies too, because I am undoubtedly going to re-read them soon. After reading four of her books, Kasie West has become one of my all time favourite contemporary authors. Her books are simply amazing, and the best thing is that I can always rely on them when being in a reading slump, for they are absolutely unputdownable...

So the first book I am going to write about is P.S. I Like You. It tells a story about two teenagers who start exchanging conversations on the board of the desk in the Chemistry class. At first, they write about random stuff, but since they are tempted by the anonimity of their notes, they soon start to reveal more and more important things about their lives, which they wouldn't neceserily tell to anybody in the "real" life. But of course that leads to their having started to have feelings for one another. But what would happen had they reveal the real identity of their writing pal...? I completely adored this book. I practicaly read it in one sitting, because the conversations between the main characters were extremely addictive and I just couln't stop. It would be like leaving chocolate after having one bait, simply impossible. Kasie West is a queen of writing the cutest romances in the whole universe. I still can't get over the main characters in this one. They were absolutely adorable...

This second book called By Your Side is about two extremely opposite teenagers that find themselves trapped in a public library for the whole weekend. It's winter, and they are cold and hungry, thus they are forced to join their powers in order to live before they are rescued. In the meantime, they have planty of time to get to know each other better. After all, they might have been completely wrong about themselves... The aspect that I really liked about this book was that it dealt with more serious topics than other works of Kasie West's, but she still managed to make the story funny, cute and also touching. I really felt for the characters in this book and was holding my breath for almost the entire time, as if afraid of disturbing their delicate relationship. Both P.S. I Like You and By Your Side are books with that kind of a hate-to-love story in them, which is something I always enjoy reading about. So if you do too, definitely give both of these books a go. I am sure you'll love them just as much as I do...


  1. I love the new design of the blog! And I absolutely understand the to blog/not to blog struggle. I've been going to write a blog post for absolute ages and even though I have read great books, I just don't feel like writing about them. Thanks for these recommendations, though! I haven't been lucky with choosing YA contemporary lately, so I'll give these a try :)

    1. Thank you so much, dear Madlenka. I am glad you like it. I am not really into making web designs, but I've tried to make it a bit different. It was needed, for I practicaly haven't touched it since the very beggining of this blog five years ago. Ah, it's crazy how the time flies by... Anyway, thank you very much for your nice and reassuring comment. It's always nice to know that one is not alone in this. :-) And definitely give some of Kasie West's books a try. I believe you'll enjoy them very much. :-)
      Take care and have a lovely time!

  2. I actually avoid reading ya contemporaries because I find most of them to be boring & I'm sort of put off by the covers because they look like those flimsy teenage romance books - either it's too cute or just too plain. I know it's silly to judge books by their covers but it is the first thing I notice after all.

    I have seen both of these titles on a lot of blogs but never had an interest but I might give 'p.s....' a try. that one sounds like 'the shop around the corner' movie & I've always like that movie.

    have a lovely day.

    1. I understand you. Of course, I also like nice book covers. I am a book collector, after all. But I don't judge books by them. I actually read first two books by Kasie West as e-books, but after reading them and loving them so much, I decided to buy them for my collection regardless the covers, for I know for sure that I am going to re-read them. I don't consider myself being a literature snob, I like to read everything and don't want to be ashamed of it. I think that Kasie West is a really amazing author and her novels are so beautiful coming of age stories. She's basically became my auto buy author. And I just love her. Definitely give her books a chance...

      Have a very nice day. :-)

  3. Ako vždy krásne fotky. Veľmi sa teším, že na blogu pribudla recenzia. Čítala som ju už krátko po vydaní, no až teraz som si konečne sadla ku komentáru. Tvoj blog mi veľmi chýbal a tak som sa mnohokrát pristihla pri tom, ako s nádejou otváram tvoj blog a kontrolujem, či niečo nové nepribudlo... Niekedy je ťažké neustále písať. Prečítať knihu. Napísať. Prečítať knihu. Napísať... Taký zvláštny kolobeh. Človeka to vie poriadne unaviť a niekedy možno že i nechcene otráviť, pretože na chvíľu zatúžime čítať len tak pre radosť a pre seba. Preto chápem, že si uvažovala, či sa vrátiť. No som rada, že si tu. Opäť ubehla doba od poslednej recenzie, no ja neprestávam dúfať, že čoskoro sa ohlásiš. Dovtedy sa budem tešiť a držať ti palce :).
    Párkrát som "pokukovala" po knižkach od Kasie West, no nikdy som sa k nim akosi nedostala. Myslím, že si ma navnadila :). Maj sa krásne!

    1. Ahoj Kristy, moc ti děkuji za milý a povzbudivý komentář. Přesně jsi vystihla, jak to s blogováním poslední dobou mám, a jsem ráda, že tomu rozumíš. Také je skvělé vědět, že je tu někdo, kdo na můj blog nezapomněl a stále se sem vrací. Děkuju ti za tvou přízeň. Opravdu moc si jí vážím... Ve skutečnosti už plánuji pár příspěvků, které budu přispívat v nejbližších dnech, tak doufám, že se ti budou líbit, a že ti snad přinesou nějakou inspiraci. Do té doby se měj moc a moc krásně. A ještě jednou děkuju za podporu... :-)


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