Fall Time Cosy Time Book TAG

Hello dear readers,
today I am bringing you an autumn post full of bookish recommendations. I am so excited for this season. The weather has been absolutely fantastic the last few days and I am enjoying every moment. Truth to be told, I caught a cold, but I don't mind that much, for it means I can spend more time with reading. Hope you're all doing well and have a beautiful autumn, too...

1. Crunching Leaves: The world is full of colour. Choose a book that has reds, oranges and yellows on the cover.

2. Cosy Sweater: It's finally cold enough to wear warm, cosy clothes. What book gives you the warm fuzzies?
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett is decidedly one of my favourite books that warms me from the inside. It's such a lovely story set in the English school environment. This book is full of comfort for all the outcast souls. It's very atmospheric and beautifully written. I mention this book nearly every autumn on my blog, but it deserves the attention so very much...

3. Fall Storm: The wind is howling and the rain is pounding. What's your favourite book or genre to read on a stormy day?
I am not much of a reader of detective stories, which I think are perfect for this time of the year. But I love historical novels with gloomy atmosphere and some mystery in them. Of course I would always pick up books by the Brontë sisters to read during autumn season. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë is actually on my TBR list for the next month...

4. Cool, Crisp Air: Which cool character would you want to trade places with?
I didn't have to think twice about this one. I would switch places with Anne of Green Gables without any hesitation. She's surely one of the coolest characters I've met in a book. She also inspires me a lot and I would love to be friends with her. I want to trade places with her, for Avonlea seems to me to be a dream place to live. I love everything about it. The simple, content life people lead there. The beautiful nature and peace that comes with it. And Gilbert, of course. Though, I fear that Avonlea wouldn't be the same place without Anne. Her unique character makes it alive...

5. Hot Apple Cider: Choose an under hyped book that you want to see become the next biggest, hottes thing.
I've read The Dreamsnatcher by Abi Elphinstone last month and it was such an amazing adventurous book. I just can't believe that the series isn't well known. I actually never heard any reader to mention it before. I myself found it quite incidentally. Which I think is a pity. Therefore I would like to encourage you to read it. Really, it's fantastic and the story fits perfectly to autumn season...

6. Coats, Scarves, Mittens: The weather turned cold and it's time to cover up. What's the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden from the public?
I don't have many of those among English books, so I had to look for an embarrassing cover in my translated section, where I could find a couple. And this one is definitely the most embarrassing one of them all. It's one of the books from the Bridgerton Family series by Julia Quinn. And I have to say that I loved this book very much and would like to continue with the series, but quite honestly I wouldn't take the book to read in a café...

7. Pumpkin Spice: What is your favourite comfort food in the fall season?
There are so many things I like to eat during autumn. I always make sure to do something with pumpkin and root vegetables. Baked pumpkin with nuts, maple syrup and gorgonzola is fantastic and I make it every year. Also, I love to cook a red lentils soup with carrots. And of course I always make time to do an apple pie and gingerbread, which are my family's favourites...

8. Warm, Cosy Bonfire: Spread the warmth. Who are you going to tag?
I would like to tag Vlasta from Vysvobozená, then Hanka from Hanka the Bookworm, also Kristy from Kristy Blog, and last but not least Candy from All about Candy's Life.


  1. Nádhera, Veru :-) tyhle fotky jsou jak sen. Obzvlášť se mi líbí hned ta na začátku s Reprodrozdem :-)

    1. Děkuju moc, Verunko. Jsem moc ráda, že se ti líbí... :-) Měj krásný podzim.

  2. Bože to je prekrásne. Všetky tie fotky a odporúčania vo mne vyvolali ihneď taký ten príjemný, jesenný pocit... Navodili mi jesennú atmosféru :). Ihneď som si musela vziať obľúbenú deku a ísť si čítať.
    Veľmi pekne ti ďakujem, že si ma nominovala ❤️ Už dlho som na blogu nerobila žiadny TAG a tento som si zamilovala na 1. pohľad.

    1. Tak to mám velkou radost, Kristy. Děkuju moc. Hezky si užívej podzimu a čtení. A já se už moc těším na tvé odpovědi na tvém blogu... :-)

  3. To jsem moc ráda, milá Aly. Děkuju :-)

  4. Nádherný tag plný úžasných tipů a inspirace, zajímavé je, že dokážeš udělat nádhernou fotku i knihy, která má (opravdu) ošklivou obálku :D To mi zůstává rozum stát... Já potřebuji dokonalou obálku, dokonalé světlo atak dále a tak podobně, abych byla aspoň trošku spokojená :)
    Moc si vážím toho, že jsi mě nominovala a pokud mi vybyde jen trošičku času, pokusím se článek vytvořit, stejně jsem chtěla publikovat nějaké tipy na podzimní čtení, takže udělat to takovouhle kerativnější formou mi přijde jako skvělý nápad :)
    Měj se moc krásně a užij si tohle nádherné období roku :)

  5. Moc děkuji za nominaci a ještě jednou se omlouvám, že jsem taková popleta a nevšimla jsem si toho. Asi se do sepsání odpovědí na otázky pustím ještě teď večer, i když uvidím, kdy zvítězí chuť pustit se zase do knížky. :)

    Měj se moc krásně a užij si čas adventu, vím, že ho máš tak ráda. :) Jak se slaví mimochodem advent v Británii, je tam něco takového? Nikdy jsem to nezjišťovala. Ahoj!

    1. To ne, vůbec se neomlouvej. Ráda si tvé odpovědi přečtu, ať už se rozhodneš příspěvek publikovat kdykoliv. Inspirace není nikdy dost. :-) Co právě teď zrovna čteš za knihu?
      Ano, advent je určitě můj nejoblíbenější čas z celého roku, na který se vždycky těším. Vlastně ani moc nevím, co tradičně podnikají v Británii v tomto čase, protože jsem se tam neseznámila s tolika místními lidmi, ale řekla bych, že si hlavně užívají zdobení domu a jedí čokoládky Quality Street, protože dekorací i sladkostí je tam v době Vánoc přehršel... :-)


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