A Few of My Go-to Comfort Reads

Hello dear readers,
I am here today to share with you some of my all time favourite comfort reads. The autumn season has finally started. Well, at least for me it did. And it means a lot of time spent with reading. Now, if you're not new to my blog, you won't be surprised by any of the following book I am about to recommend, for I've mentioned most of them countless times on my blog throughout the years. It's because I read books mainly for gaining comfort. Whenever I feel sad, uninspired, lonely or cold, I always seek a refuge in books. I am sure it's the same for most of you, too. And so I've decided to compile a list of my ultimate comfort reads that are bond to get you out of your blue mood at once. I would very appreciate if you left some of your recommendations in the comment section below, so I could discover your favourites...

  • The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - I've only read this magnificent book last month but I loved it so much I had to include it to this list. The description of the garden coming into life gave me such a comfort. It's a story about the power of nature, love and belief. It was so beautiful and touching. It filled me with energy and excitement for life. I mean, this book was published more than hundred years ago, but there's basically everything the famous book The Secret is about. You see, not only in self help books there's something for you to learn about. You can find a big magic in chidren's literature, too. You just have to read in between the lines. Then you'll find many a secret...
  • Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery - I don't think it's neceserry to recommend this beautiful book anymore. Every reader knows it, and perhaps everybody has read it already. But I just like to talk about my old favourites. So please allow me to say once again why I love this book so much. Anne is one of the most vivid characters I've ever encountered with in a book. She's so passionate about life and all the things in it. And she talks about the whole world as if it were a dear friend so enthusiastically that you simply cannot withstand to her ways and you start to feel as happy to be alive as she is. This book is the best cure possible when all the things in world seem to go wrong. With Anne's story you can start to feel that everything's gonna be alright again...
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - This is surely one of the dearest books in my bookshelf. Whenever my eyes fall upon the spine of Little Women on the shelf I just have to smile. It's such a warm story about family and love, full of traditions, changing seasons and life challenges. I remember that when I was reading it the story made all the pains in my life seem so romantic. The March sisters don't have simple lives in the least. They have a long journey to surmount before they can reach their ideals but to read about them, walking on that path and becoming nice people, is the one of the most comforting things I can think of...
  • Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - All of the Jane Austen's works are very comforting to me. But Sense and Sensibility especially, for in this novel everything goes wrong at the beginning and so you know that things can only get better in the end. Also, I very like the aspect of the Dashwood family moving to a small cottage house near a sea. There's just something so calming about their simple and quiet life in the countryside. Jane Austen really focuses on the feelings in this novel, which I find very fascinating to see all the inner battles of a heart in love...
  • Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke - This is a series of eight books following many a generation of one family that originated from rather sad circumstances. But time heals the hearts of the main characters and the reader has a chance to see a new love developing. To me these books are comforting for their description of a simple life which the characters live in harmony with nature. Janette Oke writes about the chores around the homestead and bringing up the children. Her novels return the reader to times when everything depended on the weather and when all the people from the village came to help to the one needed. I grew very fond of the characters of these books and am really looking forward to continuing on with the series...
  • The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey - Once again, this is a book about quite ordinary people living very simple life in the mountains. But one day their wish about having a baby comes true and their life changes altogether. This is probably the most beautifully written book I've ever read. It' so compelling a story that brings up to life all the reader's imagination. I can't recommend this book enough. I first read it four years ago and I haven't found any other book since then that would be quite like this one. It's genuinely one of its own...
  • Charlotte's Web by E. B. White - This book is like a warm bowl full of delicious and sweet oatmeal that warms you up from the inside and makes you strong. I love the story about Wilbur and little Charlotte so much, and just thinking about it gives me comfort. I am sure everybody has already read it, but if not, please give it a try...
  • Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne - Another classic children's book that I've come to love as an adult. The stories about Christopher Robin and all his little comrades are definitely the most comforting of all. There is so much beauty in them, but also a lot to think about and learn from. I love this book very dearly...
  • Eragon by Christopher Paolini - The Inheritance Cycle is the one of the series I had never planned on reading but somehow it made its own way to me. For which I am extremely grateful. It since became one of my all time favourite book series. I love the slow pace in which the story is written. I also adore the traveling aspect of the books. And of course I am a huge fan of Saphira. She's always had such a calming effect on me. And whenever she was around, I felt like everything would turn alright...
  • Aesop's Fables - Aesop's Fables were the first thing I remember reading when I was little. Throughout my childhood and even late teenage years, I remember having a copy with brown cover and gold lettering on my shelf. I picked it up and read a few stories whenever I was upset or simply bored. I lost the copy when my family moved to the city, but recently I bought a new one and am happy that, when needed, I can use it as a therapy again...


  1. Jména všech těchto knížek by se mi pravděpodobně ve spojení s tvým jménem vybavila :) Jsi snad jediný člověk, který je tak charakteristický tím, co čte :) Přestože se čas od času snažím sáhnout po klasice, častěji mi do ruky přichází novinky zcela jiného žánru... Víš, co je proto pro mě comfort read? Tvůj blog :) Ne pokaždé komentuji, ale ten krásný uklidňující pocit, když čtu tvoje slova nebo si prohlížím ty oku lahodící fotky, se dosatví pokaždé :)
    Díky za to, Verů:)

    1. Ty mi vždycky napíšeš něco tak krásného, Hani. Děkuju ti mockrát. Ani si neumíš představit, jakou mi dělá radost vědomí, že se někdo rád vrací na můj blog. To je opravdu nejvíc. A jsem ti za to moc vděčná. :-) Já si dříve myslela, že čtu úplně všechny žánry a chvilku to snad i byla pravda. Ale v poslední době se mi moje čtenářské zaměření začíná velice tříbit. A sahám často po knihách nejvíce podobných mým oblíbeným z dřívějška. Budu se ale snažit, aby na mém blogu vždycky bylo i trochu něčeho nového, aby ses sem ráda vracela inadále... :-)

      Ještě jednou ti moc děkuji za milá a povzbudivá slova. A měj se moc krásně...


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