everyday post| Reading Update

Hi everyone,
I am so sorry I haven't been updating a whole week. I miss this blog so badly but unfortunately, I don't have as much time as I used to have once. But that doesn't mean that I am going to stop altogether. Absolutely not. I will always keep Bookish Friendship alive for it's so important to me. It just takes some time to get accustomed to my work and new life style. I've gotten my job three months ago which is of course quite a long time but things were changing all the time and it is only now when everything's slowly going to settle down. So I hope I'll be able to figure out how to find time and energy for catching up with reading and writing my blog.

I've got loads of ideas I would like to share with you and there are so many books I would like to write about once I find time to finish them. But for now I would like to at least show you books I am reading currently, books I bought recently and books I am hoping to read soon. To start with, I am reding Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen in the time being, which my parents brought me from my bookshelf in the Czech Republic during the last visit. And after I finish it, I am planning to start Jellicoe Road by Melina Marcheta about which I've heard so many amazing things. Ihave this feeling that this story will be heartbreaking but still, I just can't wait.

In the meantime I am also reading The Letters of Vincent van Gogh because I've wanted to read them ever since. But they've never been translated to Czech language so I haven't had a chance before. And I remembered them when I was thinking about books I wish I could read in the time I hadn't been able to read in English but could read now. And I was lucky enough to find one copy in a bookshop on Trafalgar Square while waiting to meet my friend for coffee. Then I found an old paperback copy of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville in a charity shop which I'd love to read during the Summer but am too afraid of its thickness. Definitely let me know if you read that book and whether you like it.

I also ordered some novels by Deb Caletti since I really adored her book Stay that I read at the beginning of the year and would definitely like to read more of hers. But for some reason her books aren't available in the UK so I purchased them from Book Depository along with a book called Before We Were Strangers by Renée Carlino that I am super excited for. And lastly I would like to mention a book Londoners which was written by many different people about their experiences of living in London. The back cover says: "This is a book to deepen your relationship with London and make you fall in - or out - of love with it all over again," and I genuinely hope for the first choice.

"Admire as much as you can, most people don't admire enough."
~ Vincent van Gogh


  1. Ahoj, jdu tě pozdravit, dlouho jsem u tebe nebyla. Doufám, že se ti v nové práci líbí a daří, na blog bude čas později:) Co se Van Gogha týče, tak v češtině vyšel Deník v dopisech, ale nejsem si jistá, jestli je to to samé. Měj se pěkně.


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